viernes, 2 de abril de 2010


I've taken a little vacation from the blogoshpere. Maybe it's useful to be out of the virtual insanity that invades everyday life. Perhaps communicating is easy nowadays if we consider the internet has developed several ways, adding different platforms and "chapters" to interact with other people. Isn't it strange that some mothers know what their children and even grandchildren are doing everyday, using FB, MSN or similar resources including the webcam, digital images shown in public and not only in private "conversations"? Well, it maybe considered weird also to talk to oneself by writting in a blog, and inviting the others to have a look at your thoughts. Sometimes, this is only a kind of catarsis, other times we put our garbage in the text. Luckily, we 're not alone or at least we feel better if we think someone will read our "messsage in a bottle".
Today I'm a little lazy, but I want to seed my little place, with a few words, just to say I'm here.

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